Y&R Best Lines Friday 11/13/20

Y&R Best Lines Friday 11/13/20


Provided By Eva

Summer: [ Scoffs ] Hi. Uh, what are you and Sally Spectra up to?

Theo: Why, hello, Summer.

Summer: I would like an answer, Theo.

Theo: Okay. None of your damn business.

Summer: Okay, well, I saw the two of you huddled up together at society. And I know you, and I've heard enough about Sally to know that the two of you are definitely up to something.

Theo: And why do you even care? Do you feel threatened or something?

Summer: By Sally? Please.

Theo: Yeah, that's it. You're afraid she might catch Kyle's eye. Or wait. Now that the two of you are on the outs... maybe you're thirsting for me again.

Summer: [ Scoffs ] Okay, uh, get over yourself, Theo.

Theo: I still haven't gotten an answer.

Summer: I care because Fenmore's is very important to Jabot. This is all about business.

Sally: You are way too smart to be taken advantage of.

Lauren: Okay. So the JCV sale was not in the back of your mind when you agreed to be my assistant?

Sally: I mean, how could it have been. It hadn't even been made public yet.

Lauren: Exactly. So how did you find out?

Sally: Jack about told me that jabot was getting rid of the division.

Lauren: Hmm. That was very convenient.

Sally: I would like to think of it as fate. I mean, look, I have admired JCV ever since its launch, and now I'm working for the woman who's about to take control of it? I mean, if that's not something that's meant to be, then I don't know what is.

Lauren: You remind me of someone.

Sally: Let me guess. My great-aunt. The original Sally Spectra.

Lauren: A little bit more of me back in the day. So driven. So unafraid to use her sharp elbows to push through a crowd.

Sally: I will take that as a compliment.

Lauren: It is a compliment. But it doesn't come with a job. I have someone else in mind for that position.

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