Y&R Best Lines Thursday 11/12/20

Y&R Best Lines Thursday 11/12/20


Provided By Eva

Sharon: What could Adam have been thinking?
Mariah: He was obviously going off the rails. It wouldn't be the first time. Did you notice any signs he was losing it the last time you spoke to him, before faith confronted him?
Sharon: No. In fact, he seemed more calm than he had in a while. He talked about moving on with his life and putting the past behind him.
Mariah: It must be lovely that Adam can just move on. It's not so easy for the people whose lives he's blown up.
Sharon: I know what you're saying all too well, because I worry about faith and how some of this might affect her, maybe in ways that she doesn't even realize yet.

Rey: You look a lot better than when I first found you.
Chance: That's not saying much.
Rey: [ Chuckles ] A hell of a first week on the job. Hopefully it's not always this action packed.
Chance: Yeah. I don't plan on making a habit of it. Listen, I heard that you guys think that Adam was the shooter. That's not what happened.
Rey: You know who shot you?
Chance: No, I-I couldn't see them. But the one person that it

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