Y&R Best Lines Tuesday 11/3/20

Y&R Best Lines Tuesday 11/3/20


Provided By Eva

Phyllis: I mean, seriously, is Victoria out of her mind? Is she overworked at Newman because of this roundtable?

Nick: I know.

Phyllis: I mean, seriously. Giving her people a cut rate? Booking three floors for her attendees?

Nick: I know.

Phyllis: This is what I pitched, and it got me into this mess. And the way that she structured the deal, the way that she put the entire thing together -- uh, it's a hit on my hotel, but Newman comes out smelling like a rose, of course. It's deliberate, and it's petty.

Nick: What?

Phyllis: Are you listening to me?

Nick: Yeah.

Phyllis: I'm talking about Victoria and her roundtable.

Nick: I know. You've been talking about it for like three hours. I've heard every gripe, every grumble, and you know what? You're right about all of it. So, the question is, now that you've gotten it off your chest, what are you gonna do about it?

Phyllis: What? I need solutions, not fantasies. Although you're very good at fantasies.

Nick: I know. I am, right?

Phyllis: [ Chuckles ] You are.

Nick: In fact, you should hear the one I'm coming up with right now. I mean, I'm a broker.

Phyllis: With, like, a suit and a sexy smile and maybe no shirt...

Nick: Mmm.

Phyllis: ...Underneath your jacket?

Nick: Yeah, it's like a -- it's like a -- a peace broker. You know, the chaos is happening, but I'm always bringing the cool. And I don't even have to lift a finger. I just have to push the button, the "send" button.

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