Y&R Best Lines Friday 10/30/20

Y&R Best Lines Friday 10/30/20


Provided By Eva

Amanda: Well, I thought you'd still be in New York.

Devon: It was an overnight trip. I just got back. I'm actually here for a meeting pretty soon.

Amanda: Oh, did you sign that artist that you were interested in for LP?

Devon: I sure did. Yeah.

Amanda: Well, congratulations.

Devon: Well, thank you very much. You missed out on a pretty fun trip, you know?

Amanda: Yeah, apparently. No offense, but it looks like you partied a little too hearty.

Devon: Oh, no. No, no, no. I was just having a good time, enjoying my life, looking out for myself. Compared to how I used to do things, it's a much better way to go.

Amanda: You don't honestly believe that, do you?


Billy: Just like that? Hallelujah. You've seen the light? Let me guess. You're planning on this being enough to get Chelsea back?

Adam: Yeah. The rumors are true. She's not coming back, no matter what I do. In fact, her departure is part of what opened my eyes.

Billy: Well, you sound very convincing. So, why not really go for it and just leave town? I mean, there's nothing for you here, right?

Adam: Well, I'm weighing my options.

Billy: Well, now, that would be more than I could have ever wished for.

Adam: You might get your wish, man. But for the meantime, how about we just agree to a cease-fire? What about that? I ignore you, you ignore me back.

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