Y&R Best Lines Thursday 10/8/20

Y&R Best Lines Thursday 10/8/20


Provided By Eva

Nick: Yeah, so, Supergirl, if you will just call and let us know that you're alive and well somewhere, then we'll stop leaving all these annoying messages on your phone. I love you. Has she answered any of your texts?

Phyllis: No. No, she has not. I don't even get the dots. We have been ghosted. They have disappeared.

Nick: I cannot believe that she and Kyle eloped.

Phyllis: They're like crazy, insane teenagers.

Nick: Well, I'm glad to see you're as frustrated as I am. And now maybe you will stop blaming my lack of enthusiasm for this engagement for driving Summer away.

Chance: What did you have in mind?

Abby: Ah. Come on.

Chance: You're the one that said you had all these things to do today.

Abby: Well, I already started my day. This would be more like brunch.

[ Chuckles ] You're still staring at me. You better be glad you're not a cop yet, or else I would have to report you to, well, you.

Chance: [ Chuckles ] I am so -- so, so, so -- very lucky to have met you.

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