Y&R Best Lines Monday 10/5/20

Y&R Best Lines Monday 10/5/20


Provided By Eva

Chloe: Hello, my beautiful boy. It is your mommy.

[ Sighs ] So, what do you want? You want a golden rattle? I'll get you one. Or...a cashmere teddy bear. Sure. I will have one of those made for you. Whatever you want. Just tell me. Anything.

Anything to get you out of this belly tonight.

[ Sighs ]

Kevin: [ Baby voice ] Throw in a convertible with a driver and you got a deal.

Amanda: You don't mean that hilary was afraid of actual cows?

Devon: That's exactly what i mean.

Amanda: Where did that even -- where did that even come from?

Devon: I don't know. It was just one of those many inexplicable pieces of the puzzle that was your sister.

Amanda: Well, I-I would have teased her mercilessly.

Devon: Yeah? You're not afraid of anything like that at all?

Amanda: I would like to think that all of my fears are rational.

Devon: Oh, okay.

Amanda: But we had a lot of things in common. You know, we're both relentlessly ambitious. We love spicy food, "the price is right."

Devon: There you go.

Amanda: [ Laughs ]

Devon: Even with that, though, I still think that you are hilary are as different as night and day, because you're so -- you're grounded. You're very grounded in the way you think about life. She was always up in her head. She was very, very imaginative and creative with things.

Amanda: Well, I don't mind being the logical one. She can have the spotlight 'cause I cherish my privacy and keeping things low-key, so...

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