Y&R Best Lines Thursday 9/24/20

Y&R Best Lines Thursday 9/24/20


Provided By Eva

Adam: Billy, you wouldn't know the truth if it walked up and it bit you. You're just using me and my family as click bait for your new media company, the one your mother gave you.

Billy: Is that supposed to wound me, Adam?

Adam: At least Jill had the good sense to not let you run it alone. She brought in lily to cover you.

Billy: See, I see it happening. You know, you think you got everything handled. But you're scared to death. And you're spiraling out of control.

Adam: [ Chuckles ] Did you become a shrink, Billy?

Phyllis: Oh, wow. Okay. Here we go. Austin?

Nick: Yeah, you barely knew him. He had trouble written all over him, you married him, and then he cheated on you.

Summer: Okay, but that's unfair. Kyle is nothing like that.

Nick: Really? The same Kyle who asked you to be a liver donor to the woman he was really in love with and he married you in exchange for that?

Summer: I should have expected this kind of reaction from you.

Nick: I just -- I don't know what you want from me. Do you want me to pretend to be happy about it and say, "congratulations, here's to a happy life"?

Summer: Yeah, well, we are gonna have a happy life.

Nick: Is Kyle even divorced yet?

Summer: What? It doesn't even matter, dad. It's a piece of paper. It doesn't mean anything.

Nick: [ Sighs ]

Summer: Mom, come on, please.

Nick: Yeah. Come on. Are you gonna back me up on this or what?

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