Y&R Best Lines Thursday 9/17/20

Y&R Best Lines Thursday 9/17/20


Provided By Eva

Chelsea: I'm not entirely sure, but it's obvious that they were connected. And it doesn't take a genius to realize that the first thing they're gonna do is go after you.

Adam: [ Scoffs ] Let them try that.

Chelsea: Adam, do not underestimate him.

Adam: Billy abbott -- he is a loud, rude annoyance who nobody takes seriously anymore, including his own family.

Chelsea: Well, jill took him seriously enough to put him in charge of chancellor communications.

Adam: Yeah, and she will learn from that mistake.


Lola: I think you're being really hard on yourself.

Mariah: I'm trying to be my mom's cheerleader. I'm trying to be faith's big sister, ray's friend, and it's hard to know what to say or do at any given moment. And because it's hard to tell if sharon's having a bad day or a good day or what she needs from me in that moment, and it's frustrating.

Lola: You're a good daughter, mariah. Sharon knows it, and she loves you for it.

Mariah: Thank you. I needed that.

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