Y&R Best Lines Wednesday 9/16/20

Y&R Best Lines Wednesday 9/16/20


Provided By Eva

Amanda: It's such a relief to know something about where i came from, who my family was. But I just -- I can't stop thinking about the life that i might have lived if I had known my sister, if I had grown up with her. If we had gone to school together or... learned to drive. Gone on double dates.

Devon: You'd have been my sister-in-law, you know that?

Amanda: Oh, not so fast. If you wanted to date my sister and I was still around, you would have had to get my approval first.

Devon: Oh. I think I would have been able to win you over.

Amanda: Probably.

Devon: Not only would you have been a sister and a sister-in-law, you would have been an aunt.


Nate: If I suddenly found out that carolyn had a twin and she walked through that door, it -- it would be shocking, of course. I'd have a bunch of questions. But I wouldn't see that woman as an answer to my prayers, because I wouldn't know her. She wouldn't be my fiancéE. She might share a face with carolyn, but not what's inside. Not what made me fall in love with carolyn in the first place -- her heart and soul. That's what devon fell in love with when he fell for you. Your light-up-the-room smile; big, open heart; and your boundless spirit. You act like you don't know it, but you're an amazing woman who spreads and joy to everyone around you. You give your all to your patients, and you bring out the best in your friends. Devon had no choice but to love you. So I could -- I could use another cup of coffee. How about you?

Elena: Hey. Thank you.

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