Y&R Best Lines Thursday 9/10/20

Y&R Best Lines Thursday 9/10/20


Provided By Eva

Victoria: Hey! This is a surprise!

Nick: I was driving by. Saw one lonely light on in the building, and I thought, "who could that possibly be?"

Victoria: Is it that late?

Nick: Not if you're running the world.

Victoria: Ha. Is everything alright?

Nick: Yeah. Just wanted to come by and see how my big sister's doing. So, how's she doing?

Victoria: You mean besides juggling six new deals and putting out a thousand fires?

Nick: You're not fooling me. I know you love this.


Victoria: These are not your problems, nick.

Nick: Vick...

Victoria: Nicholas, you're the one who has always wanted to take your own road, and I respect that. I even envy the fact that you can walk in and out of all of the newman family insanity and i always feel like I'm stuck right in the middle of it. So let's just call this my own personal declaration of independence. I-I just don't feel like I-i need dad's forgiveness or his approval. If anything, he should be asking for mine.

Nick: So, you're not gonna tell me more?

Victoria: If anything happens, you'll be one of the first people to know.

Nick: [ Sighs ] Okay. Be careful.

Victoria: I always am. Give my regards to phyllis.

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