Y&R Best Lines Tuesday 9/8/20

Y&R Best Lines Tuesday 9/8/20


Provided By Eva

Theo: I know what you're thinking.

Lola: I bet you don'T.

Theo: You're wondering why i came back.

Lola: Not even close.

Theo: I got a weird vibe before, just like the one I'm getting from you know, like something's wrong. So...are you gonna tell me what it is? 'Cause I could play guessing games all day.

Lola: I don't have that luxury. I have a restaurant to run, and we're about to get slammed, so...

Theo: I'll wait.

Lola: Suit yourself.


Lola: I don't have time for this right now.

Theo: Fine. Then pencil me in for later. I'm trying, lola. I want to know what went wrong. Just talk to me so I can fix this.

Lola: You're a time-suck, theo.

Theo: Excuse me?

Lola: A waste of my time. You know, I work really long hours, and I have a kitchen to run, so when I make time for someone, it is special and it matters.

Theo: Yeah, I feel the same way.

Lola: So is that why you made plans with me and then blew me off? Do you think your time is worth more than mine?

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