Y&R Best Lines Wednesday 9/2/20

Y&R Best Lines Wednesday 9/2/20


Provided By Eva

Rey: You want an omelet?

Sharon: Uh, yeah. I would love one. Maybe a little fruit salad on the side.

Rey: Your wish is my command.

Sharon: I'm starting to like this way of life -- being waited on.

Chance: How am I supposed to get any work done when you're such a beautiful distraction?

Abby: Mm. Consider me incentive for keeping your meeting short.

Chance: You are bad.

Abby: I can't wait to show you how bad I can be.

Chance: But I'm one of the good guys.

Abby: The best. Pencil me in for your post-meeting distraction.

Chance: You can count on it. You'll be here when I'm finished?

Abby: Right here.

Chance: [ Scoffs ] What makes you think that Paul knows anything about Vegas?

Abby: Look at the message. It's direct. It's to the point. There's no, "hey, chance. How you been? Give me a call when you get a minute." He doesn't ask about your company. He means business.

Chance: Sweetheart, that's Paul. Warm and cuddly he is not. He's the type of guy that gets straight to the point. He doesn't waste his time with pleasantries.

Abby: I don't know.

Chance: [ Chuckles ] His messages to Christine, I'm sure, are equally gruff.

Rey: Yeah, well, don't get too used to it. As soon as you're 100%, we're going back to Dutch.


Kyle: You gonna tell me what I did to deserve this?

Summer: Oh, you mean this delicious picnic of delights?

Kyle: Mm-hmm. It's not my birthday. It's not one of our anniversaries, unless there's something I'm missing.

Summer: Mm. Well, we probably shared an ice cream cone for the first time when we were kids today. You probably chased me around and I ran after you.

[ Chuckles ] It just seems like our lives are woven together... like the strings on this blanket, just... in and out and around... together... each thread telling a different story.

Kyle: I'm so lucky to have you in my life.

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