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Y&R Best Lines Tuesday 4/21/20
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Provided By Eva
Michael: Ah, no more of those scary contractions, right?
Chloe: Oh, Braxton Hicks? No, thank god. And thank you so much. I really don't know how I would have gotten through that without you.
Lauren: Aww. And now look how far along you are, and you're about to bring this beautiful baby boy into the world.
Michael: Oh, this is gonna be great. I love babies. I love when you can just give them back to their parents and go home and get yourself a good night's sleep.
Lauren: Right?
Chloe: What's this?
Michael: Queen mommy.
Esther: Wow, look.
Chloe: Thank you.
Esther: You are queen for a day.
Kevin: Today and every day.
Chloe: Yeah, well, it's good to be queen.
[ Laughter ]
Michael: Yes, it is.
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