Y&R Best Lines Monday 3/30/20

Y&R Best Lines Monday 3/30/20


Provided By Eva

Jack: Then you'll admit that your idea of teaming them up to run that division is not going as smoothly as you thought it would.

Jill: I am admitting nothing. Besides, whatever gave you the idea that I wanted smooth? Smooth is, you know, complacent and compliant and people telling you what you want to hear. I really value the differences in the perspectives that Billy and lily bring to the table. I want a constant battle of ideas.

Jack: Do you want gladiators or CEOs?

Jill: Well, see? Now, there's the trick -- making sure that it stays competitive but not combative. What am I telling you that for, though? You've got your hands full with Kyle and Theo over at Jabot, yes?

Jill: You know, maybe i should get a copy of that questionnaire so I could start resolving my issues right now.

Jack: No, you don't seem like someone who has a whole lot of regrets.

Jill: Ohh... no, I guess I don't. Well, maybe a couple where you're concerned.

Jack: Ouch.

Jill: Kidding, kidding, mostly. I mean, we did have our painful moments in the past, right? But isn't it nice that we can still be friends now? In fact, I'm gonna make a very bold statement.

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