Y&R Best Lines Thursday 2/13/20

Y&R Best Lines Thursday 2/13/20


Provided By Eva

manda: Huh. Well, don't you look feisty this morning.

Billy: Hey. I do, huh?

[ Clicks tongue ]

Amanda: What is that smile about? Have you been back up to the rooftop, flirting with disaster?

Billy: Oh, no. No, no, no. This is so much better. I just took delivery on my new racecar.

Amanda: Your what now?

Billy: Italian import, 800 horsepower, 217 miles per hour top speed.

[ Whistles ]

Amanda: Is that even street-legal?

Billy: No. It's got seatbelts.

Amanda: I see.

Billy: I'm kidding. Yes, it's street-legal. Of course it is. I'm just about to take a for a spin. You should come.

Amanda: In a racecar?

Billy: Yes.

Amanda: Good god. You're serious.

Billy: Yes. I like to drive fast. I've always wanted a racecar. Victoria [Inhales deeply] Would not approve.

Amanda: I do not approve, either.

Billy: Mm!

Amanda: It is the middle of winter. Does the term "black ice" mean anything to you?

Billy: Oh, no. This -- the safety features on this car are top notch. And you know what? I grew up here. I know where all the back streets are, so there's gonna be no traffic. Come along.


Kevin: Oh, show them the picture.

Chloe: Oh, yeah. It's in here somewhere.

Michael: Let's see, let's see, let's see, let's see.

Esther: Oh, gosh.

Lauren: Ohhhhhh. Looks so...

Esther: Ohh!

Lauren: ...Tiny and perfect.

Michael: Aw, just like its daddy.

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