Y&R Best Lines Friday 1/24/20

Y&R Best Lines Friday 1/24/20


Provided By Eva

Chelsea: Hello.

Adam: Hi.

Chelsea: Uh, did somebody forget to tell me it's "bring your significant other to work" day?

Adam: [ Laughs ] Very funny.

Chelsea: Well, seriously, what are you doing? Are you just gonna hang around all day?

Adam: Uh, what if I told you that I was planning our future?


Phyllis: Hey, chance chancellor, man of mystery.

Chance: Phyllis! What a surprise seeing you here.

Phyllis: Oh, you're so funny.

Chance: You coming or going?

Phyllis: I am staying. You?

Chance: I just got here.

Phyllis: Hmm. Obviously, you are here to see the effervescent abby. You two crazy kids planning another hot date like before?

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