Y&R Best Lines Tuesday 12/24/19

Y&R Best Lines Tuesday 12/24/19


Provided By Eva

Kyle: Yes. And that one there is a little high. Can we move it lower?
Lola: Yes.
Kyle: Ooh, ooh. Here. I got it. What?
Lola: OCD much?
Kyle: Maybe I just want it to be perfect.
Lola: Have at it, as long as our first Christmas tree ornament is front and center. And since we don't have any Christmas gifts under the tree, yet this is my official hint that I would love a few products from Jabot's new Korean skin-care line.
Kyle: Oh, I think I may have an inside track on those... as long as there's still some in stock. The holiday sales been going gangbusters.
Chance: Thanks for meeting me.
Paul: Ah, my pleasure. I'm glad we could do it under more pleasant circumstances this time.
Chance: Yeah. I wasn't expecting to turn crimson lights home base for a hostage crisis, but thank you again for your help. It may have not turned out as well as it did without you.
Paul: Oh, no problem at all, although I was a little disappointed to be negotiating over the phone and missing out on all the fun stuff.
Chance: Fun stuff?
Paul: Yeah, you know, jumping out of the ceiling through an air vent and punching out the bad guy. That's the fun stuff.
Chance: I'm sure Christine and heather were happy you weren't doing either.
Paul: [ Laughs ] You're probably right.

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