Y&R Best Lines Monday 12/16/19

Y&R Best Lines Monday 12/16/19


Provided By Eva

Kyle: She thought you might skip out of work early and meet me at home if you saw how beat i look.
Summer: Take him home, Lola! He's spoiling all my fun!
Kyle: [ Chuckles ]
Lola: I wish I could. But... it's pretty busy. Look. And, besides, a couple of the crew members called in sick, so I have my hands full.
Kyle: I figured. Sorry, summer. You're stuck with me tonight.
Summer: Ohh! Thanks for nothing, Lola!


Theo: I didn't order this.
Lola: I've been experimenting. Try it out.
Theo: Seriously?
Lola: I think I have the right balance of heat and acid and sweet, but I could really use a second opinion.
Theo: This is a dream come true.
Lola: [ Laughs ] What do you think?
Theo: This is so good... it makes me want to hug somebody.
Lola: [ Chuckles ] Looks like we've got a winner.
Theo: You should call it Theo's delight.
Lola: Oh. I really think Theo should stick to his, uh, day job... which, speaking of... you never told me you were trying to prove yourself to.

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