Y&R Best Lines Tuesday 8/20/19

Y&R Best Lines Tuesday 8/20/19


Provided By Eva

aron: What can I get you?

Adrian: I'm thinking something hot. What do you recommend?

Sharon: That depends on what you like.

Adrian: What's in front of me looks pretty good.

Sharon: To drink.

Adrian: Surprise me.

Rey: What the hell do you think you're doing?

Sharon: Rey.

Adrian: You know my son?

Sharon: Is this your dad?

Adrian: He gets his good looks from me.


Adam: I hope sensitivity training isn't part of your new job.

Phyllis: Oh, I'm sorry, did i hurt your feeling?

Adam: Oh, cheering for me to lose my son is a real mood-lifter, phyllis.

Phyllis: The only interest you have in that child is hurting nick. Victor was right to keep him from you.

Adam: Oh, yeah, because he's father of the year.

Phyllis: He does suck as a dad. And as a human being. I think when it comes to christian, he has that boy's best interest at heart.

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