Y&R Best Lines Monday 7/8/19

Y&R Best Lines Monday 7/8/19


Provided By Eva

Adam: What are you doing here?

Phyllis: Um... I live here. And I had an inkling that you would be lurking the halls. You just can't tear yourself away, can you, even after the paramedics took chelsea's dead husband away?

Adam: I stayed because I am worried about her.

Phyllis: The newly minted widow who wants to avoid you like the plague?

Adam: She's in shock, phyllis.

Phyllis: She pulled herself together enough to call nick. Mm. Why nick gives her the time of day, I have no idea, but, you know, if you want my advice --

Adam: Now, you know I don'T.

Phyllis: Well, you have two choices. You either follow chelsea to nick's place and you smother her with attention or you do the right thing and you give chelsea breathing room.

Adam: Have a good run, phyllis.


Chelsea: My husband died a few hours ago, and you're already trying to rekindle our relationship? Are you out of your mind?!

Adam: I didn't mean it like that.

Chelsea: Well, then, please, explain it to me.

Adam: Look [Sighs] I want to be the one to help you through this.

Chelsea: You can't, adam.

Adam: I know you cared for calvin, and I am glad that he was there to make you feel safe and secure, but you didn't love him -- not the way we loved each other, not even close. Tell me I'm wrong.

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