Y&R Best Lines Thursday 6/27/19

Y&R Best Lines Thursday 6/27/19


Provided By Eva

Adam: Well, I don't love the way you keep stalling me. Where is the dirt on nick that's gonna bury him and win me custody of my kid?

Kevin: These things take time.

Adam: Okay, sleep less.

Kevin: Look, I spent all day at nick's old computer, going through individual files, thousands of them. It's not like he has a folder labeled "top secret stuff that could screw me in court."


Billy: Jack, this isn't good. That's not good at all. We know what's she capable of. Now she's in deep with a guy like adam? How did you find out?

Jack: Ah, she took great pleasure in delivering the news in person, along with an elaborate gift basket.

Billy: What, seasonal fruit and plastic explosives?

Jack: The moment she walked out of the door, I started checking it for cameras and listening devices.

Billy: That was gonna be next guess. So, what is it? A warning sign fired directly at jabot?

Jack: I don't know. I do know we're gonna have to keep our eyes and ears open.

Billy: Yes, we're gonna have to do that because adam might have just given phyllis the arsenal to move in for the kill.

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