Y&R Best Lines Friday 6/21/19

Y&R Best Lines Friday 6/21/19


Provided By Eva

Adam: There was a time when you thought you could forgive me.

Billy: If you're talking about what I said at your trial, see, there's a subtly that you're missing. Because forgiveness isn't something that happens once and it stays done. Every time I am reminded that I'm never gonna see my daughter again, the pain that I feel, that doesn't go away. It's not done. Every christmas, every holiday. Every milestone deedee doesn't get to experience is like a fresh gaping hole, and then i see you in your old malignant ways, not even trying to pretend to be a better man, and it just compounds the tragedy.

Adam: Well, that is not how i look at things, but I understand if you need to see them that way.

Billy: Oh, you're gonna allow me my feelings? After what you took from me. Get the hell out of here. I swear to god, you got three seconds, or I am going to completely lose it on you.


Billy: What, you think your father's gonna change his mind and replace you with you-know-who?

Victoria: If I do an amazing job, I don't think the thought will even occur to him.

Billy: Well, I think you're gonna have to do more than that. Speaking of the snake, I just saw him at the cemetery.

Victoria: Adam was at the cemetery?

Billy: At delia's grave, yeah.

Victoria: Why?

Billy: [ Sighs ] He said he was there to pay his respects.

Victoria: Oh. Yeah. Uh-huh. Why was he really there?

Billy: I don't know, I didn't allow him to stick around long enough to waste my time and figure out.

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