Y&R Best Lines Thursday 6/13/19

Y&R Best Lines Thursday 6/13/19


Provided By Eva

Adam: Oh, if I had known this was a party, I would have brought refreshments. Maybe nikki's got a bottle stashed somewhere.

Nick: Don't talk about her like that.

[ Cellphone chimes ]

Adam: Got a lead on a new job?


Mariah: Sorry, sorry. I was running around all day. Heh.

Kyle: Rescuing dead plants?

Mariah: The plant is not dead. It's just a little tired.

Kyle: Okay. Why are you carrying around a "tired" plant?

Mariah: Because it's a housewarming gift for you and lola.

Kyle: Great. I'll put it right next to the "tired" bottle of champagne

[ Chuckles ]

Mariah: You know what? It was beautiful when I got it, and then I just didn't get a chance to give it to you guys, and then I forgot to water it, and then I left it in my car, and, oh, my god, I suck as a friend.

[ Laughs ]

Kyle: [ Laughing ] Just at gift-giving.

Mariah: Well, this in no way indicates how happy I am for you and lola. That would be more like a giant palm tree. A very healthy one.

Kyle: You can get us one for a wedding present.

Mariah: Yeah, okay.

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