Y&R Best Lines Thursday 3/28/19

Y&R Best Lines Thursday 3/28/19


Provided By Eva

Reed: Yeah. He's always been there for me.

Victoria: I'm glad. I know this is all very difficult for you to deal with.

Reed: [ Scoffs ] What part? The part about dad being alive, or the part where he came back from the dead to kill you and grandma?

Victoria: Listen. Your dad has been very sick.

Reed: Yeah. I heard. Brain tumor. Do you think the D.A.'S gonna let him off of -- what? -- Four attempted murders now because of it?


Arturo: Because I can't give up on us. And n-- not even after what you did to my poor, innocent truck. I will regret forever sleeping with mia. But it taught me something.

Abby: I can't wait to hear this.

Arturo: [ Sighs ] You... you're my everything, abby. And if you'll give me the opportunity, I will show you that I can leave my old ways behind and be the man you deserve. I know I made a huge mistake, and "sorry" doesn't even come close to covering it.

Abby: You got that right.

[ Inhales sharply ] I know you've done things you regret. Nobody's perfect. But I believe, and I know in my heart, abby, that you and i are perfect for each other. And I am begging you. I am begging you with everything to please, just please give us one chance. I promise you won't regret it.

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