[an error occurred while processing this directive] Y&R Best Lines Monday 2/25/19 [an error occurred while processing this directive]
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Y&R Best Lines Monday 2/25/19

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Provided By Eva

Jack: I agree with that. But whatever you want, we can make it happen when you're ready.

Abby: "We" can, huh?

Jack: Well, I don't see your mother coming home anytime soon, and I'm to blame for that, so if you need anything at all...

Abby: You'll help me.

Jack: Yeah. Bridesmaids outfits, color charts, hemlines -- it's what i do.

Abby: No, it's not.

Jack: Okay, no, it's not. But I want to help in any way that I can.


Billy: No, see, we are alone. This is actually the exact moment that I have permission from the boss to speak my mind. So let me be clear -- the mother of my kids is locked away in prison because of you. You ratted out everybody else to save yourself, phyllis.

Phyllis: Okay, hang on. We were all arrested. I didn't just waltz in the pd and say, "hey, here I am. Cuff me and those three over there." It didn't happen that way. The truth is, I told it. And what I was trying to do was save victoria, sharon, nikki from themselves. I made it very clear that J.T. Was the aggressor.

Billy: Right. And right now, nikki is being charged with second-degree intentional murder, and the rest are accomplices. Yeah, you are a walking hero, aren't you? My god, I am so done.

Phyllis: What are you doing, quitting?

Billy: Quit? And leave you here alone to ruin my family's company? Not a chance. I'm gonna work from home, victoria's home, because my kids need me right now, because, as far as they know, their mother is on a work trip, thanks to you.

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