Y&R Best Lines Wednesday 2/6/19

Y&R Best Lines Wednesday 2/6/19


Provided By Eva

Mariah: I don't remember police work being so funny.

Sharon: Hi, hon.

Mariah: Hey.

Sharon: The person who normally reviews the crime tips that people e-mail to the gcpd is out sick today, so I'm filling in.

Mariah: Why is that funny?

Sharon: Well, I'm getting tips from two feuding neighbors who have come up with some creative ways of getting back at each other -- olive oil on the doorknobs, rotten eggs in the mailboxes, and this latest video is doorbell footage of a bed of roses and a very big dog who's been holding it in for a while.

Mariah: You're weird, Mom.

Sharon: Well, obviously, I need a break. I'm glad you're here.

Kyle: I still can't -- I mean, it's...Fen.

Mariah: I know, I know. Who would've predicted that that skinny kid that we knew a few years back would end up being a professional singer?

Fen: Um, the same person who thought you would host your own talk show one day.

Mariah: You know, I would usually have a snarky retort to that, but in this case, you're right. That's absolutely insane, too.

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