Y&R Best Lines Thursday 10/25/18

Y&R Best Lines Thursday 10/25/18


Provided By Eva

Nick: Oh, I know I can trust you. I mean, you show up, you do your job, you do a great job. You have a connection to your family.
Arturo: Yeah, my sister can be a pain, but she's smart. She dreams big and works hard. And, um, you remember my brother Rey?
Nick: [ Chuckles ] Yeah. My show-stopping arrest. A night to remember. Is he always that extreme?
Arturo: He's an acquired taste.


Kyle: How much did either of them care about a few sheets of paper if it never came up? John ran the business for years without taking it out of the safe. If that way was fine with him...
Billy: Just stop talking, honestly, Kyle, because you're not making anything better. Look, what you two did is stupid, okay? That was stupid. And stupid about covers it, but what this document does is it sets a precedent, okay? And it opens up potential floodgates to employee claims.
Ashley: That's ridiculous. Nobody's gonna try to make a grab for anything, Billy. This specifically names me. It was to protect me.

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