Y&R Best Lines Wednesday 10/17/18

Y&R Best Lines Wednesday 10/17/18


Provided By Eva

Sharon: See that? I graduate college, and the learning just continues. From perp-grilling tips to feeling the freedom to do whatever I want in my own bedroom. On the mattress.

Rey: Oh.

Sharon: Uh, with the mattress, I mean. With the tags still on.

Rey: Uh-huh.

Sharon: Till I decide to give it a good yank.


Mariah: Any second thoughts about nick? Seeing if you guys could work it out?

Sharon: Definitely not. Telling me the truth, you did the right thing. And so did I, by breaking it off. No more going backwards for me. From now on, it is forward and upward.

Mariah: Well, I applaud you. And I'm not being judgy. I'm just curious.

Sharon: Okay?

Mariah: Is, uh, he gonna help you go up, up and away?

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