Y&R Best Lines Tuesday 10/9/18

Y&R Best Lines Tuesday 10/9/18


Provided By Eva

Lola: Hey, you. Don't be springing for stuff yet. I can't start our date till tonight.

Kyle: You're sawing and... drilling?

Lola: Bolting down some stuff in my truck. Got a few rattles and a couple of other minor repairs.

Kyle: Have a minute to hang before you, uh, bolt?

Lola: [ Sighs ]

Kyle: See what I did there?

Lola: Yeah. Hilarious. Two minutes, and then I got to run.


Ashley: Yeah. I like presents.

Neil: I bet you do, and you know what? There's a little something that will set the tone around here. Check this out.

Ashley: [ Laughs ] Were you up all night, crafting?

Neil: Oh, you know me. I like to load up that turntable with some cool, smooth jazz, and that's when I really get crafty.

Ashley: Well, you know what I'm gonna do?

Neil: What?

Ashley: I am going to put this right here so everybody at the meeting today gets the message.

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