Y&R Best Lines Tuesday 9/18/18

Y&R Best Lines Tuesday 9/18/18


Provided By Eva

Billy: Is there something you want to see me about, specifically?

Phyllis: It is 6:00, and since we live together, I thought it'd be a good idea to discuss our plans for this evening, but clearly you're in a rotten mood.

Billy: Well, there's a lot going on right now, okay? We're gearing up for the launch, and just because the little hand is on the 6 and the big hand is on the 12 doesn't mean I can waltz out of here.

Phyllis: Okay, well, um, this budget issue -- does it have anything to with jabot, or -- wild guess -- is it really about your gambling?


Victor: Mm-hmm. So then why are you pursuing this, hmm? You trying to claim a stake in my company? I built that company from the ground up. Albert miller had nothing to do with it. And the last thing I will ever do is allow you to claim another stake in newman enterprises.

Jack: I am merely looking for the truth. This is where the truth led me.

Victor: Really? You wouldn't know the truth if it bit you in the ass.

Jack: You know what, I was just gonna drop this, forget all about it. Now I have reconsidered. Judging from your reaction, I guess I'm on the right path.

Victor: Albert miller is burning in hell, and I will ask the devil to turn up the flames. You do not take one step closer to my legacy, to my family.

Jack: Just try and stop me

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