Y&R Best Lines Monday 8/27/18

Y&R Best Lines Monday 8/27/18


Provided By Eva

Sharon: Busy morning. For you, too. You getting a lot of work done?

Rey: Yes. Check it out.

Sharon: Video games?

Rey: Killer attack of the alien zombies. I'm at level 5. Don't you tell anyone.

Sharon: That'll be our secret.

Rey: Yeah, ours, and the alien zombies.

Sharon: [ Chuckles ] Is that why you've been coming here almost every morning, so no one sees your little side hobby?

Rey: Yes, and you also have the best coffee in town.


lly: Well, phyllis, I'm the guy who sleeps with his brother's wife, right? So sleeping with your daughter is not that far-fetched. Really, it's like -- jumping from one to the other is not a big deal.

Phyllis: Okay, just stop it.

Billy: You know what, the truth is... I left delia alone in the car the night she was killed. My gambling almost cost victoria's life. So sleeping with summer is not even on the top 10 crappy things that I've done in my life.

Phyllis: Stop it.

Billy: So why wouldn't I risk it all? I mean, who cares if somebody gets hurt, right? The fun is walking the highwire with no net, seeing if I'm gonna fall, daring everybody not to look away.

Phyllis: You have made your point.

Billy: No, I haven't even started to make my point. I love you. I have done everything that i can to try and get you to understand that. I don't even know how to start telling you the ways that I care about you, okay? One thing I do know is I don't deserve you.

Phyllis: Don't say that.

Billy: It's true.

Phyllis: I am the one that has been stupid here. I should have never accused you of being attracted to my daughter.

Billy: That's it, okay? That is it. Everything is out on the table. Can we just be honest with each other now?

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