Y&R Best Lines Thursday 8/23/18

Y&R Best Lines Thursday 8/23/18


Provided By Eva

Nick: Oh! Sorry. The dark horse offices are gonna be done soon, and then I will be off this couch and out of your way.

Sharon: It's true. You won't be working from home soon, with all the perks that involves.

Nick: Perks?

Sharon: Yeah, like random hugs from your preschooler, one-word answers from your tween about her day, and... seeing me.

Nick: Seeing you?

Sharon: In the bedroom. 30 seconds.


Summer: You don't think that this is all about my mom, do you? Don't sell yourself short.

Billy: I don't need my ego stroked.

Summer: You're right. You know, the whole "sex kitten" thing, it's just for entertainment purposes only. Billy, really, I just like you. You're funny. You're dark, driven. And you play just as hard as you work, and you wouldn't want to change any of that. And I wouldn't want you to, and that's why you like me. I see you for you. I don't judge you. I don't have rules and restrictions. I mean, your current girlfriend...

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