Y&R Best Lines Thursday 8/9/18

Y&R Best Lines Thursday 8/9/18


Provided By Eva

Summer: Yes, I am okay with it. I respect our C.E.O.

Kyle: Respect? Uh-huh. That's cute. You weren't there for his so-called pitch.

Summer: Billy does not need to pitch you anything. He was merely keeping you informed as our boss, as a professional courtesy. It is our job to be supportive and have his back, you know.

Kyle: Wow.

Summer: What?

Kyle: Admit it. You're a fangirl.

Summer: A fangirl?

Kyle: With a borderline obsessive crush, and for that reason alone, you can't see that these new stores are a huge risk.


Phyllis: That is just a preview of what you're gonna get when I get home tonight.

Phyllis: Really? You're such a tease.

Billy: I'll make it up to you. Over and over again.

Phyllis: What time?

Billy: Late, and I'm assuming in order to keep everything on schedule here, I'm gonna have some late nights.

Phyllis: That's no problem. Gives me time to plan a surprise or two. Then once you get home, we will make the most out of every second, okay?

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