Y&R Best Lines Wednesday 6/20/18

Y&R Best Lines Wednesday 6/20/18


Provided By Eva

Kyle: What are you doing in here? We have a meeting scheduled.

Summer: Exactly. And here we are. Together.

Kyle: In the C.E.O.'S office. So unless you got a promotion I don't know about...

Summer: Well, my office doesn't exist yet, and yours reeks of birthday suit lotion.

Kyle: Did you just say a jabot product "reeks"? Way to be a team player. Come on. We can go to the conference room if your senses are that delicate. I have a stack of old brainstorming ideas we need to plow through.


Summer: Okay, this is research. I am about to interview our target demographic on her opinion of jabot and fenmore'S.

Mariah: Oh. So kind of like a focus group. Don't you pay people like 50 bucks an hour to do something like that?

Summer: The goal is to reach women who have yet to have real-world experience with the beauty industry.

Mariah: You know what? How about you pay me to push you into the pool headfirst? How about that?

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