Y&R Best Lines Tuesday 6/19/18

Y&R Best Lines Tuesday 6/19/18


Provided By Eva

Hilary: I swear, mariah will find any excuse to undermine me.

Phyllis: Or you could be feeling lousy and just be overreacting a wee bit.

Hilary: Okay, don't you start, too, okay? I am not the type of woman who gets morning sickness.

Phyllis: Hate to break it to you, but it kind of comes along with the territory.

Hilary: [ Sighs ] I just -- I don't want to devon to see me like this.

Phyllis: Honey, calm down, all right? You're not together 24/7.


Abby: That's what her nurse just said. You know what, I'm glad I'm gonna be around, help keep things cheerful. I think that's what my grandmother needs.

Ashley: Definitely. So... arturo.

Abby: What about him?

Ashley: Well, if your father doesn't want you dating him, then you must be doing something right.

Abby: [ Chuckles ] That's one way to look at it.

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