Y&R Best Lines Monday 6/4/18

Y&R Best Lines Monday 6/4/18


Provided By Eva

Gloria: Actually, no dodging today. He's in a meeting trying to deal with the fallout.

Jack: Is he really? Good for him.

Gloria: You want to bolt before he sees you?

Jack: Not at all. Actually, I have a proposition for you.

Gloria: Ooh, well. What might that be?

Jack: Real estate. You still selling houses in your spare time?

Gloria: Yes, yes. A girl's always got to have a side hustle. Why? Who's looking to buy?

Jack: Me. Since I've moved out of the abbott family house, I --

Gloria: No, no, no, no. No, jack. Come on. That home means everything to you. You can't just move out and pretend it's "nothing."


Summer: [ Grunts ] Okay, i think that these are yours. I mean, unless you're into that kind of stuff.

Phyllis: Those are mine.

Summer: You know, a little bit of kink is good, even for people at your age.

Billy: Oh, our age?


Mariah: You know, it's starting to get weird -- you and me, hanging out.

Kyle: Like we're actually friends.

Mariah: Now that is a scary thought.

Kyle: Stop complaining. I bought you coffee, you get to hang out with an internet sensation.

Mariah: Oh, I heard. Your butt is trending. But, remember, I have the added dubious distinction of having seen it all live.

Kyle: All for a good cause. Jabot's sunscreen sales are through the roof. All thanks to a crazy wardrobe malfunction.

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