Y&R Best Lines Wednesday 5/23/18

Y&R Best Lines Wednesday 5/23/18


Provided By Eva

Arturo: Yeah, well, that's my vote. But we'd have to repeat the look in other places for it to be consistent. The remodel needs to be seamless.

Gloria: [ Scoffs ] How wonderfully transparent. And a little bit invasive. You watch us. We watch you. Like fish in an aquarium in a business suit.

Billy: It's a visual reminder, gloria, that we're all on the same team no matter what, and that includes the C.E.O., Who should be visible and accessible. Every opinion counts here, okay?


Gloria: It does sound creative. Maybe you do have some solid ideas.

Billy: Quick, write that down for my tombstone.

Gloria: Hey. I admit some concerns. The past few months have been hell around here. Kyle. Firing me. Jack. And you got to know that jack and I have our own roller coaster of emotions, so I am not interested in listening to gossip.

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