Y&R Best Lines Monday 4/2/18

Y&R Best Lines Monday 4/2/18


Provided By Eva

Abby: Mom, we stole hair from aunt traci and uncle jack's brushes and submitted them...

Ashley: Shhh!

Abby: ...For dna testing. We went full-on secret agent to get those results. And to pretend that they didn't happen --

Ashley: Oh, no. It all happened. My mother was a serial cheater. I am not john abbott's biological daughter, and now we know that jack isn't his biological son. Now we have to figure out what we're gonna do with that fact.


Phyllis: I know you, jack. And I know you're innocent. And paul, bless his heart, will catch up eventually. But in the meantime, I will keep my eyes open and suss out what i can, all right?

Billy: Slow down here a second. I mean, what are you saying -- you're gonna track down victor's attacker on your own?

Phyllis: Well, I'm not gonna hide in bushes and tackle a violent criminal, but come on. Give me credit. I did find out what chelsea was up to.

Billy: And she's a P.I. Now, jack.

Phyllis: And I'm right here. What I'm saying is, I'm ready to fight this, jack.

Billy: Last time you got involved, somebody had to leave town. So there are pros and cons. Jack, listen to me. We need to hire a private investigator -- a professional -- to get on the case.

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