Y&R Best Lines Thursday 3/8/18

Y&R Best Lines Thursday 3/8/18


Provided By Eva

Cane: That makes sense. Sit down.

[ Sighs ] Why, uh... why don't you come and join me at chancellor?

Lily: [ Scoffs ] What?

Cane: I'm serious. Why don't you do that? I'm on a very special headhunting expedition that's only for today. And, let's see, I have two jobs that you might be perfect for.

Lily: Oh, okay. And what position did you have in mind?

Cane: Well, there is the V.P. Of beauty and brilliance, and then there is the executive consultant in whatever your heart desires.

Lily: Oh, the goofy titles aide? Okay. Well, I am very appreciative of the offer.


Victoria: You decided that all by yourself?

Abby: Mm, no. See, then -- then I would be as ditzy as you think I am, wouldn't I?

Victoria: That's not the answer I'm looking for.

Abby: Let me rephrase. Dad approved the move.

[ Laughs ] Oh! Did he forget to tell you? Oh, or maybe he just didn't want to hear you bitching about it. But I'm sure he did tell you how happy he is with my work there. In case you just skim my weekly reports, let me give you some highlights. I signed two of france's top models to exclusive contracts, earned us sponsorship at berlin fashion week... oh, and we will be in the gift bags at the cannes film festival.

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