Y&R Best Lines Wednesday 12/20/17

Y&R Best Lines Wednesday 12/20/17


Provided By Eva

Devon: Hey! She comes bearing gifts.

Hilary: Yeah, I heard about what you guys were doing, so i picked up a few things.

Devon: Geez. Sure you didn't buy the whole store?

Hilary: Well, I'm just doing my little part, and -- oh! To get the word out, I also posted about the toy drive on the gc buzz website. I sent a blast out to all of my followers, and I'll be promoting it later today on my show.

Devon: Wow. You're really going all out.

Hilary: Well, it's a feel-good story. That's our thing, now that we're partnered with jabot.


Hilary: And you should always let me know when you're doing stuff like this, okay? Because I can let my viewers know. I ask them, they deliver.

Devon: You got it. Look at you, getting all worked up about doing nice things these days. I don't know if it's because of jack and the new direction of the show, but it's a nice fit for you, this positive energy.

Hilary: Well, thank you. And thank you for not assuming that I have ulterior motives. Okay? Sometimes it feels good, you know, to do something nice for someone else. Okay, I guess -- I guess I am selfish because I like the way it feels.

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