Y&R Best Lines Wednesday 11/22/17

Y&R Best Lines Wednesday 11/22/17


Provided By Eva

Ashley: So glad you're here.
Billy: Oh, trust me, nobody's gladder than me. To be honest, I wasn't sure we were ever gonna have another holiday together again, so this is perfect.
Traci: And I can just feel dad looking down and smiling on all of us.
Jack: I am determined to make this the best thanksgiving for all of us, especially mother.
Dina: That's because you all think it will be my last.

Billy: I mean, the guy brought pie and everything, ash.
Ashley: Billy, could you please stop analyzing what happened with ravi and the pie?
Billy: I'm just saying, did you see his sweet, little face? He was devastated. You want me to get that?
Ashley: Yes. It was a simple miscommunication and nothing more.
Dina: Oh, I think there's more. It's obvious to anyone with two eyes, but one eye would do, actually.
Traci: Ashley, I hate to say it, but they are right. You know, it was a little --

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