Y&R Best Lines Thursday 8/17/17

Y&R Best Lines Thursday 8/17/17


Provided By Eva

Ravi: I don't know, shifting personal dynamic, especially in a business environment can cause for a lot of weirdness. Take Phyllis and jack.

Ashley: Mm.

Ravi: I've been observing them for a while. I would never want that kind of weirdness or tension or awkwardness...

Ashley: We will never be like those two. I care too much about our friendship to ever let that happen.

Ravi: Me, too.

Ashley: You're the one that introduced me to electronic dance music, Ravi, and the beauties of the opera. How could I lose you?

Billy: I, uh -- I heard you were back in town. It's Billy, John's son.

Dina: Oh, my lord. Well, of course it is! Oh, my, you've grown up to be such a handsome man.

Billy: Aw, thank you very much. Must be the clean-ish living and good genes, I guess.

Dina: You think?

Billy: [Laughs]

Dina: I ran into your mother not long ago.

Billy: That must have been a treat for you.

Dina: Well, Jill does have a way of getting under one's skin.

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