Y&R Best Lines Thursday 3/2/17

Y&R Best Lines Thursday 3/2/17


Provided By Eva

Billy: What the hell you doing in public surrounded by decent people? You should give us a warning so we can put hazmat suits on so we don't catch a contagion.

Colin: Think you're talking about top of the tower at the Newman tower, not here.

Thanks for your help.

Colin: Hey, thank you. So now that I've done my good deed for the day, you can go back to your gormless insults.

Billy: I'd rather buy you a plane to get you the hell out of town, Colin.

Colin: Generous to a fault, eh, Billy? But, you see, Genoa City -- that's where my family is, you know, family being my son, my grandchildren, and my wife.

Billy: You know what, Colin? You could pay my mother back all the money you owe her with interest, and the two of you will never get back together again.

Colin: So young and yet so cynical. But then again, with your romantic history, I get it.

Billy: You put your wife in the hospital. You did that.

Colin: And that kills me.

Billy: Yeah, I wish it did. Instead it almost killed her.

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