Best Y&R Lines Thursday 6/9/16

Y&R Best Lines Thursday 6/9/16


Provided By Darlene

Luca: Victoria already tried to bribe me. If I didn’t accept her offer, I can’t accept yours. Wouldn't be polite.

Phyllis: I’m not gonna offer you cash. I want to appeal to your intellect and your survival instinct.

Luca: If I don’t leave, you’ll have me kneecapped?

Phyllis: Oh, it wouldn’t be your knees I destroy.

Nick: I wouldn’t sit there if I was you.

Phyllis: Ooh. Contaminated?

Nick: By my own misery. Can’t you tell by the black cloud that's always following me?

Phyllis: [Chuckles] I have lightning bolts, and hail the size of golf balls.

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