Best Y&R Lines Monday 2/17/14

Y&R Best Lines Monday 2/17/14


Provided By Eva

Jack: Hold on. I don't want any trouble. None of us want any trouble. We're all here just to raise money for a worthy cause tonight.

Womack: Hey, small world. So am I. You see these? My retirement plan.

Paul: [Sighs] You're complaining about Chavez again, and he's not even here.

Officer: I know. I can tell. The bullpen's so quiet without him and fisher trading recipes or whatever they're yammering about. But why does he pick tonight to be out of town?

Paul: Well, he didn't pick tonight. He's on a case. He had to be in Madison.

Officer: Why does he have to pick the only night in the history of Genoa City where nothing happens?

Paul: Oh, I get it. This isn't about Chavez at all, is it? You're just bored.

Officer: Yes! Chavez is here, those phones, they're ringing off the hook. I mean, he's getting cases left and right. He's lucky like that. He leaves, ghost town.

Paul: We are peace officers. We like peace. We don't want action.

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