Best Y&R Lines Friday 1/24/14

Y&R Best Lines Friday 1/24/14


Provided By Eva

Anita: You lucked out, Adam Newman. Don't mess it up again. And don't stop trying to make my little girl happy. That massive ring on her finger is a good start. Remember that for anniversaries, birthdays, and -- oh! You know, my birthday is --

Chelsea: Mom. Mom.

Adam: [Clears throat]

Anita: I'll send it to you in an e-mail. And take my girl on a ritzy, classy European honeymoon.

Chelsea: [Chuckling] I don't need to do that.

Adam: Who knows? I might need one.

Adam: How do you manage to always be such a good guy, Jack?

Jack: I'm not, really.

Adam: Here we are, talking all about me, and I have neglected to even ask you about Phyllis. How's she doing? You went to go visit her at the hospital this last weekend?

Jack: Slight, yeah. I'm still hopeful. But life goes on. And it looks like your life is just beginning.

Adam: Yes, it is. Thank you, Jack, for standing up for me today.

Jack: It was my honor, honestly.

Adam: You've been...the father to me that Victor Newman never was. I guess this is goodbye, Jack.

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