Best Y&R Lines Tuesday 6/25/13

Y&R Best Lines Tuesday 6/25/13


Provided By Eva

Chloe: Oh, my god. Tell me about it.

Kevin: You two -- you are incredible. Always acting like you can't get along. Maybe -- I guess that's just a cover. Or -- wait -- maybe you do hate each other, and this has just been one long round of hate sex. The best part is, I was coming here to apologize to you for thinking that you were doing the thing that you're actually doing! That makes me a jackass.

Billy: Kevin? You are a jackass. Chloe, good luck with the rabid chipmunk. I'm out of here. Have fun.

Chelsea: We really don't owe her this, Dylan.

Dylan: No. Please. It's important. And it needs to be said. I love your daughter. Uh, I know it's -- it's fast, and it may seem like it's just because of the baby. When I met Chelsea, I was ready just to leave town. And the baby is the reason I stayed. But staying... is the reason that I fell in love. I fell in love with Chelsea's heart, with her humor... with her substantial appetite for sandwiches with extra hot sauce...

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