Best Y&R Lines Monday 5/20/13

Y&R Best Lines Monday 5/20/13


Provided By Eva

Abby: Hmm. Duty calls?

Alex: Yeah. It's the chief.

Abby: All right, well, if it's not gonna take forever, I'll just wait here.

Alex: Okay. Bye, baby.

Abby: Bye. So, now that the five-o's gone, you can tell me the truth. Whose husband did you piss off?

Paul: You're disrupting my friends' lives, and I want you to stop.

Carmine: Well, I have stopped.

Paul: I don't think you have.

Carmine: I don't care what you think.

Paul: You know, as chief of police, I'm thinking about starting a stalking task force.

Carmine: So?

Paul: Well, it's my job to keep the crime rate down, and you keep chasing Michael Baldwin's wife. I don't want anything to happen. I don't want you to be mistaken for a stalker.

Carmine: Oh, come on. Are you serious? Are you threatening me right now?

Paul: No, no. Not at all. I just don't want there to be any confusion. I do have a suggestion for you, though. Why don't you find a nice, single woman to spend some quality time with?

Carmine: Thanks for the advice.

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