Best Y&R Lines Tuesday 5/7/13

Y&R Best Lines Tuesday 5/7/13


Provided By Eva

Billy: Dee Dee, honey, sweetheart, I got eyes. Please don't poke them out. I need them to see you with! I need them to see you with! [Growls]

Delia: [Screams]

Billy: Who put a nickel in her?

Victoria: Yeah. She's just a little wound up about reed coming to stay, I think.

Victor: Now, come on, my boy. Be honest. You said you hired her. What -- to do menial jobs? You need to treat her as an equal.

Adam: Treat her as an equal? She works for me!

Victor: Do you know that you and she are more alike than either one of you wants to admit?

Adam: Dad, if this particular buyback works... I just think it's a situation where there's too many cooks in the kitchen. You think this company's big enough for three -- not two, three -- people who are strong-willed and are certain that they are always right?

Victor: [Chuckles] You inherited that from your father, didn't you? Well, son, there are times when it's necessary for family to pull together.

Adam: And let me guess -- that time is right now.

Victor: You bet. And I will make it work.

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