Best Y&R Lines Wednesday 1/30/13

Y&R Best Lines Wednesday 1/30/13


Provided By Eva

Sharon: I am so sorry. Oh, my gosh. That's my fault. I wasn't watching where I was going. You know, I'm -- here. I've just -- I'm trying to acclimate to this new job, and I was gonna get some sweets, you know, for the whole team to -- I-I wasn't looking. Anyway, I'll -- I'll just stop...patting you. Um, I owe you a new coat.

Dylan: No. No need. This coat has probably never smelled better, actually.

Sharon: Okay, I'll at least pay for the dry cleaning.

Dylan: Oh, no. I'm not a dry-cleaning type of guy. I'll probably just hose this off at some point.

Sharon: Okay. Well, at least let me buy you a coffee.

Dylan: Uh, so you can reload?

Sharon: [Laughs]

Dylan: Sharon, Mac. Good to meet you.

Sharon: Good to meet you. So, the club, it's not that far from here. I could show you where it is.

Dylan: Guess I'm lucky I ran into your coffee instead of somebody else's.

Sharon: [Chuckles] I'm really sorry about that.

Dylan: Yeah, you know what? Don't worry about it. I know -- I know nick's your ex, but is he a good guy?

Sharon: You'll like him a lot. Everyone does.

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